Speaker Bio
Paul is Portfolio Lead at KPN for 5G Campus portfolio. His specialty is cross industries (trans sector) innovation with focus on Health, Manufacturing and Logistics sector. He has extensive knowledge of
Smart Industry / Industry 4.0. Paul has a broad expertise in the ICT domain and is very familiar with important technology drivers behind Smart Industry like 5G, AR/VR, Digital Twins. He is a strong
believer in combining the right mix of innovative technologies to achieve optimal results in critical business processes.
Paul is responsible for KPN’s 5G Campus portfolio, where he has a strong focus on 4G/5G Private Networks, precise indoor localization and on-premise edge services. He holds a MBA from Nijmegen University with a focus on organizational diagnostics, -design and – change. Also he holds a professional Master Degree from TU Delft regarding IT Management. Thesis: Aligning trans-sector innovation with ICT product management.
Paul is actively involved in the Dutch Smart Industry community and is a regular speaker at external KPN events and Smart Industry events.