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Ali Taha Koç

Turkcell, CEO

Speaker Bio

Dr. Ali Taha Koç was born in Ankara in 1980. He completed his undergraduate degree in 2001 at Bilkent University, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering with full scholarship. Later, he received his master's and doctorate degrees in the Department of Electrical Engineering at University of Texas at Dallas, both with full scholarships.

Dr. Ali Taha Koç joined Intel in 2006 as a research and development (R&D) engineer in the USA. During his tenure at Intel, he developed 61 patents, published 23 scientific articles, and developed and managed several international projects. In 2013, he became one of the 10 awarded engineers who developed the most patents at Intel. After returning to Türkiye in 2014, he began work as the Chief Counsellor of the Prime Ministry and in the same year was appointed as the Head of Information Technologies of the Presidency. During his tenure at the Presidency, he also managed the formation of the State Information Coordination Center (SICC) in the Presidency Security Policies Department, and started the information flow from all ministries and security units to the Presidency. Koç was appointed as the Head of the Digital Transformation Office on 12 September 2018. Besides his duties at the Presidency, he also served as a board member of Türksat Uydu Haberleşme Kablo TV ve İşletme A.Ş. (Türksat Satellite Communications Cable TV and Business Inc.).

As of October 2023, he is the Chief Executive Officer of Turkcell and serves as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Mobile Telecommunication Operators Association (m-TOD). He is also a board member of the International GSM Association (GSMA), TOGG and Siro.
He is also a licensed pilot, fluent in English, and married with one child.