Speaker Bio
Tarek R. Besold is a leading R&D and innovation executive with prior experience in Digital Health, AI Testing, Inspection, and Certification (TIC), and AI for Scientific Discovery. He has a successful track record both in corporate and start-up environments, leading frontier R&D, product development, and service-delivery units.
Tarek currently is a Senior Staff Research Scientist, Flagship Project Lead “AI for Scientific Discovery”, and Head of the Barcelona office at Sony AI (https://ai.sony/). His previous roles include Head of Strategic AI at DEKRA Digital GmbH and VP at DEKRA SE (https://www.dekra.com/), interim CTO with acting managerial responsibility for technology, standardization, and operations at Neurocat GmbH (deep-tech startup developing AI quality tooling and services), Chief Science Officer at Telefonica Innovacion Alpha Health, the health tech moonshot of Telefonica (now Koa Health, http://www.koahealth.com), and Assistant Professor in Data Science at City, University of London.
Tarek’s further activities include work as a startup advisor and consulting AI policy expert. Also, he was the founding chairman (2018-2023) of the DIN/DKE Standards Working Committee on AI NA 043-01-42 GA (http://bit.ly/2QeNg7n).