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Udayan Mukherjee

Intel Corporation, Intel Senior Fellow and Chief Architect, Network & Communications Products

Speaker Bio

Udayan Mukherjee is the Intel Senior Fellow and Chief Architect of Intel’s Network & communications Products.  Udayan architected the industry's first fully virtualized 5G infrastructure Software on open architecture through FlexRAN & FlexCore, which are being deployed worldwide. He also leads the worldwide team driving Intel’s NextG network technology & 3GPP/ORAN standards development. Udayan is also responsible for developing Silicon enhancements for networking and is currently working on developing network AI architecture including domain specific LLM & RAG pipeline trained with network and enterprise data for deployment/automation as well as troubleshooting/root cause analysis.

Udayan is also responsible for establishing new growth areas for Intel in the intelligent compute, both in the enterprise as well as communications market segment, a role that includes developing technologies and architecture including augmenting classical networking algorithms with AI/ML models, enterprise and network specific LLM/RAG for network automation and RCA, software-based networking, as well as developing edge specific intellectual property, including system design as well as time sensitive networking for industrial usages.

Udayan has been deeply involved with IEEE, ORAN alliance and TIP, and has been a keynote and distinguished speaker multiple times @ IEEE Globecom, IEEE WCNC, IEEE 5G Silicon Valley summits, IEEE NFIC, CTIA, GSMA, Cable Labs, ORAN Summits as well as ITS, FCC and other Global as well as US government forums.  A three times recipient of Intel achievement awards, Udayan also has more than a dozen granted patents and many pending in networking, edge as well as silicon enhancements for wireless, real-time processing & HA architecture.  He has been associated with two startups and has double master’s degrees in computer science as well as industrial engineering.