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Elisabeth Nfono Tchoungui

Orange, Directrice exécutive de la Responsabilité Sociétale et de la RSE

Speaker Bio

Elizabeth Tchoungui, is French-Cameroonian. She was born in 1974 in the United States. She is the Executive Vice President of Corporate Social Responsibility for Orange. She oversees Orange's Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility policy in the context of the objectives of the “Lead The Future” strategic plan. She grew up in Cameroon, Belgium and Italy. A graduate of École supérieure de journalism in Lille, she had a long career as a journalist and writer before joining the Orange group. She was a presenter for France 2 (France Télévision group) and RMC STORY (Altice group). Elizabeth Tchoungui was the first journalist of African origin to anchor the TV5 Monde news and the first woman to present the weekly cultural magazine of France 2, France’s leading national public network. Elizabeth Tchoungui also headed the culture department of France 24. She is also the author of several books, including “Le jour où tu es né une deuxième fois” (Flammarion), the story of her son, who has Asperger’s syndrome, “Je vous souhaite la pluie” (Plon), translated into Italian and taught in secondary schools and universities in Cameroon, “Bamako Climax” (Plon), a novel about terrorism in the Sahel, and “Billets d’Humeur au feminin” (Léo Scheer), a collection of pieces published on French website She is President of Capital Filles, an association launched in 2012 by Orange to accompany young women living in rural areas through academic and professional mentoring. She is also an associate member of “Fondation Energies pour le Monde” and member of the Board of the Châtelet theatre in Paris. Elizabeth Tchoungui is a Knight of the French Order of Arts and Letters, as well as a Knight of the French National Order of Merit.