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Lieven Brouwers

European Commission, Head of Data Flows policy and Other International Aspects of the Digital Economy

Speaker Bio

Lieven Brouwers is an international lawyer and negotiator leading the team for Data Flows and Other International Aspects of the Digital Economy at the European Commission’s Directorate General for Justice and Consumers.

His team develops GDPR transfer instruments, such as adequacy decisions and standard contractual clauses, negotiates data protection safeguards in international agreements, promotes convergence towards and global cooperation on modern data protection rules, and represents the EU in various international fora.

He has spent over a decade in the European Commission and the Council of the EU working on home affairs, justice, foreign policy and international relations, for example, on EU-UK Brexit negotiations, various data flows negotiations with third countries, EU sanctions policy during the 2024 Belgian EU Presidency, highly skilled migration and family reunification policies.

Previously, he worked as a lawyer at a leading business law firm, an EU public affairs consultancy, an EU policy think tank and as a legal counsel in the banking sector. He holds a Master of Law from the University of Leuven (KULeuven), a Master in Human Rights from the University of Louvain-la-Neuve (UCL) and an MSc in International Relations from the London School of Economics.