Speaker Bio
Molly Lesher is the Acting Head of the Digital Connectivity, Economics and Society division at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in Paris, France, with responsibility for connectivity infrastructure and services policy, cybersecurity, online safety, semiconductors and consumer policy.
She is also the Head of the OECD Digital Policy, Economics, and Measurement unit, with responsibility for the online and interactive Going Digital Toolkit, the OECD flagship publication the OECD Digital Economy Outlook, and the OECD Working Party on Digital Economics, Measurement and Analysis.
She co-ordinated the Going Digital project, leading the development of the Going Digital Integrated Policy Framework and the Going Digital Toolkit. Previous positions include Counsellor to the Directors of the OECD Science, Technology and Innovation Directorate, 10 years as a trade economist in the OECD’s Trade and Agriculture Directorate, as well as roles in the Research Department of the US Federal Reserve Bank (international economics) as well as the private sector (Fidelity Investments, a US-based financial services company).