Dr. Gonzalo Camarillo

Ericsson, Head of Implementation Components

Speaker Bio

Dr. Gonzalo Camarillo is the Head of Implementation Components at Ericsson, at the
office of the CTO, where he also heads Ericsson's OSPO (Open Source Program
Office). He is the chair of the MSC (Marketing Steering Committee) at the IOWN GF
(Innovative Optical and Wireless Network Global Forum).

Dr. Camarillo has been actively involved in the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force)
community for many years. He has served on the Internet Engineering Steering Group
(IESG), the Internet Architecture Board (IAB), and the IETF LLC Board. He has also
served as the IETF liaison manager to 3GPP, chaired working groups in several areas,
and served in several directorates. He also served as Treasurer and on the Board of
Directors of the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), and as the chair of the Board of
Trustees of the Internet Society (ISOC) and of the Internet Society Foundation. Dr.
Camarillo has authored numerous RFCs (Requests for Comments), scientific papers,
patents, and books on Internet technologies.

In the past, Dr. Camarillo funded and headed the Advanced Multimedia Research
Laboratory at Ericsson Research Finland. He also worked for Ericsson Research as
Principal Researcher in the area of Services and Software, and as Principal Systems
Expert at a business unit.

Dr. Camarillo holds an MBA from AEE (Aalto University Executive Education; Finland)
where he was the cohort valedictorian, a PhD with honors in Electrical Engineering from
Aalto University (Finland), and two MSc degrees in Electrical Engineering from KTH
(Royal Institute of Technology; Sweden) and UPM (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid;
Spain). As part of his PhD studies, he was a visitor researcher at Columbia University