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Cesc Guim

OpenChip, CEO

Speaker Bio

Cesc holds a PhD in Architecture and Computer Science. He spent 5 years at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center performing research on HPC. He holds more than 60 publications and has been tutoring multiple PhDs during his career.

After that, he moved to Intel. First,  Cesc was in the Intel Product Group for 7 years working as a Hardware Architect (including CPU architecture, design, and performance modeling).

Afterwards, he moved into the Intel Data Center and AI division for 6 years. While continuing work on the product architecture, Cesc expanded his areas of work into Hardware and Software System Architecture focusing on things like Platform & Rack designs, Orchestration, Power management, etc. Cesc for his last years at Intel has been a Senior Principal Engineer and the Network and Edge Chief System Architect in the Network and Edge Intel CTO Office.

He led a global group of architects from various verticals (retail, transportation, industrial, network, etc.).  While driving architecture he has been working with industry partners and business organizations for more than a decade. He was responsible for defining system-level designs across the NEX division and driving future Intel technologies and platform requirements for Edge (XPU, IPU, system architecture). His work included influence as well as working with open-source initiatives, partners, and end-customers to realize the system architecture. While driving revenue and business for Intel, Cesc has been having important focus on product definition, innovation, and technology design. He holds more than 500 patents, has been the lead architect in multiple Intel products, and has been top Intel Inventor during 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023.

Last, but not least, Cesc transitioned as a Chief Executive Officer at Openchip with the ambition to continue his work in the creation and delivery of system-focused products and designs with the aim of solving end-users problems. In this new mission, Cesc is laser focused to contribute to Europe’s technology sovereignty while providing solutions that aim to help and improve European citizens’ lives. For example, one of the critical mission statements mid-long term goals for Openchip is to democratize access to AI with mechanisms that allow data privacy and protection.